Thursday, November 19, 2009

Taking Personal Inventory

I have been very attracted to the phrase "personal inventory" and how to go about taking a personal inventory of myself. After, a dozen conversations with friends I have realized this is one of my least favorite life choirs to do. I apparently assume that I control my actions and they are based on decisions that I make and not actions made by other people. Not always the case. Taking personal inventory deals with many different aspects of one's life and how you go about taking personal inventory depends on how honest you are with yourself. Some of the best questions to begin taking personal inventory are:

Who are the people in my life that I learn from and invest my time in?
What are my goals?
Am I happy with my life?
Do I contribute positively to people around me?

This is just a small list of some of the questions I use to do a personal inventory.

What I have learned that truly impacts taking a personal inventory is to look at why negative and positive things may occur. For instance, we as human beings love to take credit for positive things that happen in our lives, but like to blame someone for the failures that occur. In our relationships, we tend to blame the other party for our unhappiness and discomfort. We don't see how our actions may have lead to the situation that we are currently experiencing. The perplexing thing about taking a personal inventory is you see the problem and discover your hiccups. But, how do you prevent yourself from doing the same thing over and over again? Lesson 1 The Break-UP Technique: It's not you it's me. Stop and look at why you are hurt, angry, uncomfortable and work on understanding where these feeling are truly coming from. It takes time and considerable practice, but you can see results.
Have you taken a "personal inventory"?

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