Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Relationship with me

Relationships are built on what? And why do we find ourselves asking God to save us from the one we are in a relationship with or deliver us to a partner that appreciates what we bring? I recently had to ask many of my friends opinions on decisions I was making in my own relationship to garner some clarity. I came to the conclusion that no matter how hurt I got and how disappointed I was in decisions my partner made I was always told that all relationships take work! What the hell is work? Glad you asked. Work is accepting the faults your partner has and realizing you’re not that perfect either. In fact if you take the time to figure out what may bother you about your relationship it may be something as simple as understanding yourself. I mean minus cheating and adultery. I thought about how as time progresses in a relationship you began to forget about why you’re in a relationship in the first place. I caught myself wondering if I was in another relationship with someone things would be better. Wrong! It would be the same problems new person. I forgot about the real reasons I love my partner and the funny feeling in my stomach I got when I would see her. But it’s there you just have to uncover it and realize why things may have gotten buried. The saying “Life happens” is accurate but they forgot to tell you life happens and you must remember that your not alone and having a relationship is about sharing. I believe love is a never ending journey and so is friendship. They both go hand and hand. But like anything it takes longevity and maturation.

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